
Saturn Nine Holdings wanted to position themselves effectively online. Whilst the website was the “big goal”… Kath hadn’t anticipated how the roadmap would help her effectively communicate her business to others!


1. Clarity:

Brand Roadmap

2. Elevate + Align:
Brand Colour Palette

Brand Collateral


3. Launch + Grow:

The Clarity.

The roadmap helped create clear focus.

By narrowing down the unique positioning,

the ideal client + how to best serve them…

we were able to determine the best way to position the brand “look and feel”.

[All moodboard images can be found here]

Brand Identity.

Utilising her existing brand identity [and a proposed revised colour palette] – we developed a new brochure + one page offer for her to use when marketing her business.


Playing on the galactic feel of the brand name,

we opted for more of a “space themed” website,

ensuring that the website had an overall polished, professional feel…

to present her effectively as a leadership advisor.

“Thanks again so much for the roadmap!! I’m so excited about it and can’t believe how accurate it is, you’ve summed up everything so well and put it in such a clear way! #nailedit 😊

I absolutely love my new website + the colour palette! Holy Cow, it’s even more impressive than I thought”


Are you ready to position yourself?

Is it time for you to stand out + attract those dream clients?